Save Jotman's Farm
What you've said on the Draft Local plan Page 1
See previous "What you have said in relation to the original Persimmon Proposals"
Comments received and published below are comments from the sender and do not necessarily represent the views of the SAVE JOTMAN'S FARM GROUP
From Vincent Kirley
Date 23 Jan 2014
Subject Jotmans farm 800 houses
How have a council gone from rejecting a plan for 265 houses to wanting to build 800 homes on there themselves! I spoke with council on 15/1/14 and was assured it was a proposal meeting of where houses could be built there was not going to be any decisions made! And no plans gone in.
From Dave Cowan
Date 7 Feb 2014
Subject Green Belt
Green belt should never be built on.
From: Jason Goodheart
Date: 24th February 2014
Subject : Jotmans Farm Development
Surely if 265 houses was rejected previously how can they even be considering 800 on the same site Again the infrastructure would not be able to cope, Cemetary corner is already dangerous with lots of accidents let alone with ten fold more cars using it. Also Tarpots is no better with the new light system so again more cars using that will also add to more traffic.
From: Gillian Dix
Date: 24th February 2014
Subject : Jotmans Farm and our Greenbelt
Council Please Stop planning to build on our Green belt and please consider our quality of life. I cannot believe how it has nosedived everyday is a stressfull unhappy day with so much overcrowding. I cannot believe that we have trusted our politicians over the years to look after us only to absolutely swamp us with debt and an overcrowded population. They talk all the time about human rights what about OURS? This country is a sinking ship it will eventually drown. The roads/traffic is so stressful plus,the extremely large lorries Forced on us by the EU which drastically contributes to the congestion by sheer numbers. Also to talk about housing to raise the economy is pathetic, firstly we could never keep pace with the numbers who require a home as it increases by hundreds of thousand every year. Secondly we are so poor that we would have to increase our debts to fund any building, Thirdly to say it provides jobs is only a short term action when the houses are built who will employ the "workers"? and Who will be able to afford the rental or purchase of the properties as jobs get lost? On top of this we are being ruled by the unelected EU drastically signed into it by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. If I was younger I would have to leave MY Country of Birth because NOBODY cares about us.
From Anon
Date 23 Jan 2014
Subject : Once its gone its gone forever
No surprise that the land around Benfleet Road and the Vicarage Hill is not available for development. I'm sure the councillor with lovely views over the golf course in his £1.2m house is very happy. It was quoted that houses make people more happy than open land. I don't play golf but i'm sure many people enjoy walking on the golf course, as do walkers and horse riders of the residents around Jotmans farm. My point is that the council don't care about the average person in Benfleet, and would rather stick affordable houses in a lovely area, so that thousands of people can move from London into our neighbourhood. The fact is though there are thousands of vacant houses in London with private landlords that don't want to rent them out, or sell them as it is either too risky on their investment, or the general population can not afford it.
From Christine Holbourn
Date 6th April, 2014
Subject: All green belt should be left as status quo the area has been built up enough
It is just not on. We need a green lung between Benfleet & Basildon & we certainly do not want to link with them. In view of all the recent flooding in other areas there must be some open ground to let rain soak away. Cover everywhere with concrete & where will we be.
From: Susan Davis
Date: 24th April, 2014
Please leave this land alone. To develop would put too much strain on the facilities that are in place such as schooling healthcare travel etc. It would be a disgrace to carry on with this development threat
From: Michael Brin
Date: 21st February 2014
Subject : 800 homes at Jotmans
Just one thing to bear in mind, I object to the development as is. However if there are the proposed improvements to the road structure eg 3rd road off of Canvey and relief road to west Benfleet easing tarpots,if this is the only way to get a better transport network then it should be discussed.Given the total lack of "local" employment,Benfleet is in effect a dormitory town and people have work away from Benfleet,.If the road improvements are not forthcoming as per the local plan (I doubt they will be ) then the scheme wont get passed anyway.
From: Tom Smith
Date: 12 January 2013
Subject: Building on green belt land at Jotmans Farm
I write regarding England's green and pleasant land off Jotman's Farm/Lane. Castle Point planning officers and long established councillors probably think this green belt land will be ideal to built a mini town upon it in order to help the so called housing shortage. There are lots of unoccupied houses available in CP and areas much more suited to built on other than lovely green belt. I wonder how many of these officers/MPs/planners live in these areas planned for redevopment. If God forbid, this scheme gets the green light I have no doubt the work will be carried out cheaply by workers from Eastern Europe while our own building workforce remains sidelined. Who else has interest in the building of these large estates. The question is, who will be in a position to purchase these houses? Not British people with the current unaffordable mortgages. They will be bought by foreign and Bristish investors, rented out at inflated prices and paid for indirectly by the regular middle class taxpayer. We are talking about lots of homes here, average four people to a home although some families have more than the average two point five children. This adds up to a lot of people, Add cars, etc and the construction becomes more like that of a new town with its issues of potential crime, pollution, vandalism, house price reductions etc. Obviously new schools and doctors will be needed to accomodate all of this - who pays for all of this? The traffic issues are many fold and nobody cannot deny that in this corner of Essex with also Canvey Island being vastly overpopulated has enough major problems already. This area is being planned to accommodate the overspill from London and I have always said we cannot go further than Shoeburyness - it is called the creep factor, Local residents (including everybody) should think of their grandchildren not being able to live in the lovely countryside of rural England with all its wildlife, horses trotting around the streets etc. The area will be transformed dramatically in order to line the pockets of the rich developers so, as we supposedly live in a democratic country, if you are against this write to your local councillor/MP/planner expressing that this scheme is not your wish and ask that your views be put forward and voted for accordingly. I can assure that the go ahead for this scheme will only not affect those in close proximity, but the whole of Benfleet and surrounding areas. The againsts greatly outnumber the fors for this scheme to go ahead this is fact. We are in the hands of a few councillors/government planners who make decisions on your behalf. So unless a strong campaign against this is made then Jotmans Farm will be just another statistic in the steam roller process destroying all we work for and value. I can talk first hand on this matter having had to move out of London in the 1950s (housing issues) and the rest they say is history.
From: Michelle Payne
Date: 13 January 2013
Subject: Building on Jotmans farm
I would like to register my opposition to building on jotmans farm or building on ANY Greenbelt in the castle point area. We have no room in our schools for the children that would live in these houses
From: Ray Merrell
Date: 14 January 2013
Subject: Jotmans Farm
Hopefully our councillors will have received some common sense in their christmas stockings and realise the last thing we need in Castle Point is large building projects.
Site updated 7th Feb 2014